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road way


Our bituminous products are designed and produced under international industry standards and with attention to detail, using only the highest quality raw materials. We take pride in creating bitumen designed to last and withstand heavy vehicular loads.

Polymer Modified Bitumen

Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB)

Performance Grade (PG)

- All grades of PMB /PG.


Viscosity Grade Bitumen

- AC 10

- AC 20

Bitumen Emulsion

Bitumen Emulsion

- All types of Cationic and Anionic bitumen         emulsions. (K1-40, K1-55, K1-60, K1-65, K1-70)

- Polymer modified bitumen emulsions.

penetration grade bitumen

Penetration Grade Bitumen

- All types of penetration grade bitumen.

Cutback Bitumen

Cutback Bitumen

- All for types of Cutbacks according to customer specification.

- AMC 00 -AMC 7

Precoating Material

Premix Precoating Material

- Premixed precoating material for precoating of aggregates.

Chipsealer Machine rental Service

Machine Rentals

- Synchronous Chip sealer service

- Construction machinery

Bulk Bitumen Tankers

Bitumen/Light Crude Haulage Services

- Cross-country or in-country haulage services

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